Gather With Us When this relationship described as Christianity began, believers met from house to house and in the marketplace, which was not just a place to buy and sell, but a place of social gathering. They also met every day of the week, and not just on Sunday. We do the same. We meet in local businesses designed for public gatherings, and in homes. The River of Life isn't designed to compete with your Sunday morning worship, so we schedule gatherings at various times from Sunday evenings, through the week, to Saturday evenings. These gatherings are purposefully smaller in scope and organic by design, to develop the relationships that reflect the unity we have with God, through Jesus Christ. We often share a light meal, a time of worship and praise with music and ministry and an interactive time of study and teaching.
Sometimes we just enjoy the company of one another and commune in the conversation or fellowship of our faith. Our gatherings are Spirit led and aren't your traditional style of "Church". Some have described them as "unchurch".
Looking for something different? Then come gather with us.